Thursday, 25 September 2014


Topic: Co curricular activities in commerce students

Submitted by: Pillai Suja Chandrasekharan
Optional         :Commerce
Candidate       : 13375003

Submitted to : Arun.A
                                                                          Lecturer in commerce

     The aim of education, according to Rabindranath Tagore, is the development of all the innate faculties of an individual, leading to the all round and harmonious development of his personality.  No curriculum, however carefully formulated and devotedly executed it be, can realize by itself the true ideals of education.  The curricula or the syllabi that are being followed in our schools can at the best provide the learners only a few items of knowledge, but the students do not acquire the capacity to apply these in their future life or even in their present day-to-day life.
     Complete education as defined by Tagore, is much more than mere acquisition of knowledge or even the mastery of co-curricular activities with a view to realize the aims of education as envisaged by the great educational philosophers.
     Experience, has shown that achieving all-round development of the learner is not possible with curricular activities alone.  Hence the puacy, cultacypils have to be provided with certain dynamic activities meant specifically for the purpose, such activities are said to be co-curricular because they are not directly part of the regular studies in the classrooms but at the same time they supplement the curricular experiences.

      The co-curricular activities are introduced in school with the following objectives:-
1.       To promote physical and mental health.
2.       To develop team spirit and social cohesion.
3.       To inculcate love and a sense of dignity of work.
4.       To develop aesthetic tastes.
5.       To promote discipline.
6.       To supplement academic work.
7.       To develop positive attitudes and value system.
     The co-curricular activities can be broadly classified under two categories:-
1.       Category one includes literacy, cultural and club activities.  These provide the pupils opportunities for creative expression and for nurturing their specific innate talents and interests.
2.       Category two includes outdoor activities which generally involve strenuous physical exercise.  These help to develop qualities such as spirit of co-operation, leadership, competitive spirit, love for social service and a sense of dignity of manual labor.

1.       Planning   :-  Careful planning is essential for effective organization of co-curricular activities.  The planning should start at the very beginning of the school year itself.  The headmaster should convene a meeting of the staff and after detailed discussion decide what activities could be organized under each category during the academic year.  This should be done taking into consideration the availability of the resources and facilities available as well as the needs and interest of the pupils.
2.       Implementing:-  The teachers in charge of the activities, are to select pupils as per approved norms suitable for the purpose.  Talents or interests of the pupils related to the specific areas are to be given due consideration while making the seldom.  Literary, cultural and club activities can be organized during school hours also.
3.       Evaluating:-  Each pupils participation and proficiency in the item of activity taken up has to be evaluated at least once in a term, and the records of the grade awarded to them are to be maintained properly.  Evaluation techniques such as observation, practical tests, project evaluation and tool such as checklist, rating scale etc, can be used for assessing the attainment or level of performance of the pupils.

     Schools have introduced school-based bank saving programs especially among commerce students to make them realize the importance of saving and other money management topics.  Banks hold hands with school administration and teachers and provide awareness about financial education to their students.  Bankers collaborate with elementary, middle and high school administrators and teachers to establish school based bank savings program me across the country.  The main aim behind such programmes is to make the students understand the value of saving by opening and managing saving accounts.  Many schools which carry on with such programmes provide the entire amount deposited in such accounts by the end of the course which act as a source of support for the higher education.
The club operates towards making the students towards making the students relate to the entire workings of business, trade & industry and also prepares the students for their future expected roles like employees, employers, consumers and even good citizens through  inter school activities, visits, fairs, quiz, charts, power-point presentation on management like Emerging India, Scope of Management in India, Managerial Aptitudes etc. The club acts as a foundation for the future entrepreneurs of our country.

Library occupies a prominent place in the educational set up at present, changing pattern of education demands that the learning must accelerated and broadened by the use of many varied devices & materials.  In commerce subjects where the students are always in need of innovative and dynamic approach to learning, commerce library form an essential part of such schools.
    Commerce library aims at not only bringing out the individual differences but also developing special interest and aptitudes of their best advantage.
    Commerce library provides the students with essential book resources and non-book resources like periodicals, pamphlets, newspapers, special documents & publications, audio-visual and non-reading materials which aims towards providing knowledge on different commercial subjects depending on the students needs.

    A commerce room like any other subjects related room like any other subject related room should not be less than the size of an ordinary class room.  It should be centrally located with easy access to commerce students.  The set –up and arrangements with in the rooms should be such that students get attracted towards commerce subjects & would like to get deep into the subject.  It should be well equipped with modern technology based aids like, Projectors, Interactive White Board etc.  The seating arrangements should be such that teachers may have an easy access to each student.


            Co-curricular activities are now considered to be an integral part of the school program me.  In fact, curricular & co-curricular activities are considered complementary and they overlap one another in the day to day routine of the school.  Both curricular and co-curricular activities are to be carried out side by side. 

      In addition co-curricular activities cater to various interests of the children.  The satisfaction of interests leads to pleasure in the school work.  The students acquire and develop certain hobbies & leisure time activities through the medium of these activities.


1.       Modern Educational Practices-SOJAN SCARIA
2.       Trends & Development in Modern Educational Practices- Dr.  K. SIVARAJAN

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